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--- Directory Lister is the easiest way to expose the contents of any web-accessible folder for browsing and sharing. With a zero configuration, drag-and-drop installation you'll be up and running in less than a minute. Directory Lister is created and maintained by [Chris Kankiewicz](https://www.chriskankiewicz.com) ([@PHLAK](https://twitter.com/PHLAK)) with help from [community contributions](https://github.com/DirectoryLister/DirectoryLister/graphs/contributors). Features -------- - **Simple installation** allows you to be up and running in less than a minute. - **Light and dark themes** to suit your professional needs or personal style. - **Custom sort ordering** gives you control of the ordering of your files/folders. - **File search** helps you locate the files you need quickly and efficiently. - **File hashes** instill confidence when downloading files through verification. - **Readme rendering** allows exposing the contents of READMEs directly on the page. - **Zip downloads** for fetching an entire directory of files in a single action. - **Multi-lingual support** brings Directory Lister to the language of your choice. Requirements ------------ - Directory Lister requires [PHP](https://www.php.net/) >= 7.2 - The [Zip](https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.zip.php) extension is required for zip downloads - The [DOM](https://www.php.net/en/dom) and [Fileinfo](https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.fileinfo.php) extensions are required for README rendering Installation ------------ 1. [Download Directory Lister](https://www.directorylister.com) 2. Extract the zip/tar archive 3. Copy extracted files/folders to your web server Configuration ------------- 1. Copy `.env.example` to `.env` 2. Edit the configuration values in `.env` See the [Configuration Documentation](https://docs.directorylister.com/configuration) for more information. Sponsors -------- Besturate Changelog --------- A list of changes can be found on the [GitHub Releases](https://github.com/DirectoryLister/DirectoryLister/releases) page. Troubleshooting --------------- See the [Help & Support](https://docs.directorylister.com/help-and-support) section of the documentation for troubleshooting instructions. For general help and support join our [GitHub Discussion](https://github.com/DirectoryLister/DirectoryLister/discussions) or reach out on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/DirectoryLister). Please report bugs to the [GitHub Issue Tracker](https://github.com/DirectoryLister/DirectoryLister/issues). Copyright --------- This project is licensed under the [MIT License](https://github.com/DirectoryLister/DirectoryLister/blob/master/LICENSE).